Association News
Altar boys sodality and Legion of Mary Annual Picnic 2023
The members of Altar boys Sodality and Legion of Mary were taken on a one-day trip to King of Kings Brahmavar on 27 April, 2023. They were accompanied by Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis, Rev. Fr. Gerald Pinto, Mr. Alwin Carvalho, animator for altar boys, Mrs. Pramila Furthado, animator for the Legion of Mary, and a few parents.
28th April 2023
Catholic Sabha Annual Day
The Annual Day of Catholic Sabha Derebail unit was held on April 15, 2023. The celebration began with a solemn Thanksgiving Mass at 5 pm.
18th April 2023
Youth Christian Life Community of Derebail parish organised Easter Fiesta 2023 a fun-filled event with Games, Food and Entertainment for the parishioners on 9th April 2023.The Programme began at 4.30pm with cultural performances.
11th April 2023
International Women's Day Celebration at Kelarai Church: Members of Sthree Sangatan Derebail Participate
A celebration of International Women's Day was conducted by St Peter's City Vicariate at Kelarai Church on 19 March, 2023. Eleven parishes of the City Vicariate participated in the event. Dr. Lavina Noronha, Rev.Fr.James D'Souza, Vicar Forane
23rd March 2023
Derebail Parish Stree Sangatan: Winners of Lagori at City Varado
The Stree Sangatan City Varado conducted an Interparish Throw Ball and Lagori Tournament for the members of Stree Sangatan of parishes under City Varado at Sacred Heart School Grounds, Kulshekar on 12th February, 2023.
12th February 2023
Monthly Meeting and Recreation: Stree Sangatan Derebail
Stree Sangatan Derebail held its monthly meeting on 5 February 2023 at 4PM at the Basement Meeting Hall of the Church. The meeting was followed by a short recreation time which basically comprised games.
8th February 2023
Oath Taking Ceremony of Youth CLC Office Bearers
The Oath Taking Ceremony of the newly elected office bearers of the Youth CLC was held on 8 January, 2023. The ceremony began at 10 AM in the Church. The Oath was initiated by the Parish Priest and Spiritual Director of Youth CLC, Rev.Fr.Joseph Martis.
9th January 2023
Campfire on New Year's Day: Youth CLC Members Spend an Evening Together
A camp fire was organized on 1st January 2023, for the members of the Youth CLC. Mr.Ullas Dcosta, the Animator organized the event in his premises. The Camp fire started at 7.00 PM with prayer led by Mr. Anish Dsouza.
2nd January 2023
Prize Distribution of Competitions Organized by YSD-ICYM
On the occasion of Christmas, the YSD- ICYM had organized Christmas Card Making Competition and Family Selfie Competition. There were many participants. Under certain rules, the Christmas cards were to be submitted on the 23rd of December, 2022.
31st December 2022
Prize distribution of Drawing Competition 2022 organised by Youth CLC
Christian Life Community (CLC)- Youth Unit, Derebail had organised Drawing Competition on 27th November 2022 for the children and Youth of the Parish from LKG- YCS . The prize distribution of the same was held on 18 December 2022 at the end of 9.00 AM Mass.
18th December 2022