Association News
DPSC - Inter-Parish Underarm Cricket Tournament for Men and Women - Day 1
Derebail Parish Sports Club [DPSC] organised Underarm Cricket Tournament for both and Women at the Urwa Grounds on 7th and 14th May. In was organised in fond memory of Rev Fr Joseph Lobo and Rev Fr Archibald Albuquere.
7th May 2017
YSD - ICYM Derebail - Picnic 2017
The YSD ICYM picnic held on the 12th of February at Thottam beach was a day filled with fun and laughter for all the youth of ysd. The bus ride that commenced at 9 am in the morning was filled with songs chatter and laughter.
12th February 2017
CLC Regional Programme
The Regional programme of CLC was held on the 27th and 28th of January 2017 at Fathima Retreat House, Mangaluru. The theme of the programme was-“The Joy of Love”-Amoris Laetitia.
27th January 2017
Annual Picnic of CLC Juniors
The annual picnic of CLC juniors was held on the 14th of January, 2017. A total of 19 members joined the picnic. The members visited different tourist spots in the vicinity of Shivamogga.
14th January 2017
YCS Camp Fire
Camp fire provides a nurturing, constructive and fun environment to young people to discover their spark, unique skills, passion and attributes and adopt a growth mindset.
10th December 2016
SCC Training Program
A training for parishioners was held on 13th November 2016 at 4.00 pm in the church hall. Around 200 members were benefited by this training .The resource person for the days were Rev Fr. Walter D’souza and Mr. William Colaco.
13th November 2016