Association News
Ward Meeting and Fun Activities: Landlinks Lower Ward
The members of Landlinks Lower Ward assembled for a ward meeting on 13 August, 2023 at 6 PM at the residence of Mrs.Wilma and Mr.Denis D'almeida.
14th August 2023
International Youth Day is an annual event that occurs on August 12th. The occasion is intended to raise awareness and drive action on a range of issues affecting youth globally.
14th August 2023
Sthreesangathan Enjoys Pavsa Gammath, a Fellowship Meal
The members of Sthreesangathan, Derebail enjoyed a burst of flavours as they got together for a fellowship meal, where traditional Rainy Season Delicacies were served.
13th August 2023
The YCS ( Young Catholic Students ) of Derebail parish has always been known for being active and sportive every year. This has been an outcome of the regular training and guidance that the youth receive.
8th August 2023
Members of Christian Life Community celebrate Co- Patron's Day
On the occassion of the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the members of Christian Life Community (CLC)- Derebail unit celebrated its co- Patron day on 31 July, 2023.
2nd August 2023
Collage Making Competition : Awareness through Art for YCS members
As an initiative to create awareness among the youth, the animators of YCS Mr.Gladson, Mrs.Jonita and Ms.Delina, Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail organized a Collage Making competition for its members on 23July, 2023. The theme for the competition was "Laudato si".
23rd July 2023
Newly Elect Office Bearers of YSDICYM Take Charge, 2023
The Newly elected core committee of YSD-ICYM took the Oath during the Eucharistic celebration on 24th June, 2023, Saturday, at the 5pm mass. The oath was administered by Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis.
26th June 2023
Oath Taking Ceremony: Newly Elect YCS Office Bearers Take Charge
The election for the YCS office bearers for the year 2023-2024 was conducted on11th June, 2023 in the presence of the animators Mr.Gladson Monteiro, Mrs.Jonita Monteiro and Ms.Delina D'Souza.
19th June 2023
Visit to Jeevadan Care Centre: Mother's Day Special Activity
As an extended event of Mother's day, Derebail parish Women's Association with Commission for Women visited Jeevadan Care and Support Center Gurupura, kaikamba on 11 June, 2023.
11th June 2023
YCS parents students meet
With great zeal and enthusiasm, a joint gathering was organised for Young Catholic Students( YCS) and their parents on 4 June, 2023 at the Church Meeting Hall.
4th June 2023