
My dear Derebail Parishioners, greetings and blessings to you all. We raise our hearts and minds to our beloved Patron Most Holy Redeemer for the multitudes of blessings we have received in the month of April. May His name be praised.

We are heading towards a month dedicated to our Heavenly Mother Mary. This month is unique for we are called by our Holy Mother the Church to pray the Rosary which one of the most beautiful and powerful prayers. Pope Pius XII says: “The home of the Christian family, like that of Nazareth, will become an earthly abode of sanctity, and, so to speak, a sacred temple, where the Holy Rosary will not only be the particular prayer which every day rises to heaven in an odor of sweetness, but will also form the most efficacious school of Christian discipline and Christian virtue.”

Celebrations in the month of May

Ordination of Deacon Conel Correa: We are blessed to have a new priest from our Parish, Deacon Conel Correa. He will be ordained a priest on 2nd May in our Church. Deacon Conel belongs to SVD Congregation and later he will be working as a missionary in Papua New Guniea. The whole parish rejoices in his ordination and wishes him all the best. May the Lord bless him and his family members.

Vocation Day: Our Parish will be celebrating Vocation Day on Saturday, 4th May with the Eucharistic celebration presided by the new Priest Conel Correa. We have invited the close relatives of the priests and sisters hailing from our Parish to participate in this event. The Parish Commission for Vocations (Dev Apoinacho Ayog) is oranising this Programme. Let us pray for priestly and religious vocations. As the Lord says, “The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few….” We need to pray for vocations from our parish.

First Holy Communion: 21 little kids of our parish are preparing to receive Jesus in their hearts for the first time on 5th May. It is a superb moment of joy and blessing to our parish as well as to the parents of these tiny tots. May the Lord bless them profusely. May these little ones love Jesus and be blessed by Him. We express deep sentiments of gratitude to all who have helped these little kids, very specially our teachers Pramila and Dora.

Day of the Specially Abled Persons: The Commission for specially abled of our Parish (Vishist Saktecho Ayog) has chalked out a beautiful programme for the specially abled persons of our parish and their parents. The event will be held on Sunday, 26th May with a special Mass celebrated followed by an input session and variety games. We pray for these members of our parish and support them.

Media Day: The Commission for Social Communication in collaboration with the Commission for Peace and Justice (Samajeek Sampark ani Neeth ani Shanthicho Ayog) is going to celebrate triple events of our parish namely: Decennial celebration of the parish Website, thirty Years of the Parish Bulletin Derebailchem Phul and 85 years of the existence of our Parish. These three significant mile stones will have meaningful celebrations with the hosting of different competitions such as Essay, Poetry presentations, Logo competitions and so on. The finale of the celebration will be caped with the cultural fest in June. I request all the parishioners to participate in all the competitions and also make this event a memorable one.

Papal Intention of May: For The Formation Of Men And Women Religious And Seminarians. Let us pray that men and women religious and seminarians, grow in their own vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, that leads them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.

We pray for all the dear departed members of our parish family. May the Lord grant them eternal rest and console their near and dear ones.

Congratulations to all the newly wedded couples. May the Lord guide them in their journey of married life.

Let us save water, let us visit one another in our Ward and if there are sick and aged members spend a few moments with them.

We appreciate with gratitude the presence and service of Frs Walter Mendonca (SVD) and Fr Preetham (OFM, Cap) to our Parish in this summer season. May the Lord bless them.

May Mother Mary our heavenly Mother intercede for all of us.

Rev. Fr Joseph Martis

Parish Priest