Altar boys sodality and Legion of Mary Annual Picnic 2023 Back

Altar boys sodality and Legion of Mary - Annual Picnic 2023

The members of Altar boys Sodality and Legion of Mary were taken on a one-day trip to King of Kings Brahmavar on 27 April, 2023.  They were accompanied by Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis, Rev. Fr. Gerald Pinto, Mr. Alwin Carvalho, animator for altar boys, Mrs. Pramila Furthado, animator for the Legion of Mary, and a few parents.

Everyone had gathered at the church premises at 8.30 PM. Fr. Joseph Martis said a prayer before starting off the picnic venue. Numerous games were conducted at the picnic spot.  The picnicking team enjoyed in the water as well. Most of them did not want to get back. On the whole it was a fun filled day. The picnicking team returned at 6 PM. All those who had participated in the picnic had a great time. 

About 61 members were present for the picnic.

Report by: Loretta Anthony 
Pictures: Group Members

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