Association News

ICYM Visit to Charity Institute, Chapel and Church

The ICYM-YSD youth gathered at 10:45am at Most Holy Redeemer Church and left to St Antony Institute, Jeppu and visited the people of the psychiatric ward on March 20, 2022. 

22nd March 2022

Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) Derebail Unit Office Bearers election 2022-23

The Office Bearers election of Catholic Sabha, Derebail unit for the year 2022-23  was held on Sunday, 20 March,  2022 at the church meeting hall. Mr Colin Miranda, Election Officer and Mr Stephen D'Silva,  Observer,  both from Bondel parish, were deputed by the City Varado Executive Committee to conduct the election.

22nd March 2022

Sthri Adiveshan at Derebail Church 

The Catholic Sabha Derebail unit celebrated the International Womens day 2022 in an unique manner on Sunday, 20 March, 2022. In line with this year's theme 'Gender Equality today for a  Sustainable Tomorrow' , it was decided that the March month  meeting of the Catholic Sabha shall be conducted by the women, exclusively,  with the men sitting in the audience. 

22nd March 2022

Women's Day Celebration 2022

The Stree Sanghatan  ( Women's Association) of Derebail Parish celebrated Women's Day on 5th March, 2022. Although International Women's Day is globally celebrated on the 8th of March, the members of the Women's Association wanted to have maximum participants, therefore they chose to celebrate it on Saturday 5th March, 2022 .

7th March 2022

Catechism Teachers Outing

Catechism Teachers play an important role in the Church. They are active members of the church who spend their Sunday mornings in teaching the little and not so little children about the teachings of the Gospel.

6th March 2022

Catholic Sabha Picnic 2022

The annual picnic of Catholic Sabha Derebail unit was held on 20.02.2022, Sunday after a gap of few years. 

21st February 2022

Youth CLC Office Bearers Oath Taking Ceremony- 2022

The election for Office Bearers of Youth CLC Derebail Unit was conducted on 2nd January, 2022. In connection to it, an oath taking ceremony was held on 29th January, 2022.

30th January 2022

Visit to the Elderly: Senior CLC Spread the Warmth and Joy of Christmas  In a Unique Way

The members of Christian Life Community (CLC)- Seniors Derebail Unit, celebrated Christmas by visiting the house of 11 elderly members of the parish on the 26th of December,2021.

27th December 2021

Youth CLC Members Enjoy Campfire and Spend a Fun Evening Together

A camp fire was held on 25th December 2021, in the premises of Mr. Ullas D'Costa, animator of Youth CLC for its Members. The Camp fire started at 7.00 PM with prayer led by Mr. Velan Pais.

27th December 2021

Drawing Competition by Youth CLC: Youth and Children Participate in Large Numbers

The members of Christian Life Community (CLC) -Youth Unit, Derebail organised a Drawing Competition for the children of Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail on December 19, 2021. The Participants comprised of Children from Pre -school to Class 10.

23rd December 2021