Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) Derebail Unit Office Bearers election 2022-23 Back

Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R)
Derebail Unit Office Bearers election 2022-23

The Office Bearers election of Catholic Sabha, Derebail unit for the year 2022-23  was held on Sunday, 20 March,  2022 at the church meeting hall. Mr Colin Miranda, Election Officer and Mr Stephen D'Silva,  Observer,  both from Bondel parish, were deputed by the City Varado Executive Committee to conduct the election.

The candidates for all the posts were unanimously elected. The new office bearers are as follows  :
President  - Mr. Anil Patrao 
Vice President  - Ms. Shaila Noronha
Secretary  - Ms. Juliana Coelho 
Joint Secretary  - Ms. Benny D'Cunha 
Treasurer  - Ms. Vilma Monteiro 
Sthri Hitha Sanchalaki  - Ms. Sheela D'Souza 
Amcho Sandesh Representative - Mr. Ronald Rodrigues 
Samuday Abivruddi  Sanchalak - Mr. Francis D'Souza 
Rajakiya Sanchalak - Mr. Nelson Castelino 
Yuvajan Hitha Sanchalak - Mr. Naveen Pais
Immediate Past President  - Ms. Juliet D'Silva. 

The new office bearers shall take over the charge from April,  2022.

Report by: Anil Patrao
Pictures: Simon Pereira

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