Association News
CLC Youth Participate Self Development and Inter-Personal Skill Enhancement Activities
The Christian Life Community- Youth Unit- conducted activities for its members in the Church Basement Hall on 17th October, 2021, from 4.30 to 5.30 PM . These activities were held to enhance interpersonal skills and promote self development among the members.
21st October 2021
Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD/ICYM) Fun Outing and Get-Together
Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD/ICYM) organised a fun-filled outing and get-together on the 10th of October, 2021 at 2:00 PM near the Derebail Church Hall. Mrs Lizzie Fernandes, YSD/ICYM Animator along with 27 members of YSD left for the Artisan Village..
11th October 2021
Youth CLC's Annual Picnic
The annual picnic of the Youth CLC of Derebail Parish was scheduled for Saturday 02nd October, 2021. The journey began at 5.30 AM with a small prayer. The members had breakfast on the way and reached the picnic spot at 10.15 AM. The members trekked..
2nd October 2021
YCS organizes Online Quiz for Youth
As an initiative to keep the Youth of the parish connected with their YCS group, the animators of the same indulged them to partake in the 'Quiz Night' that started from 24th to 28th May, 2021 at 9PM via Google form.
29th May 2021
CLC Youth Unit celebrates Rev.Fr.Austin Peres birthday
The Youth Unit of Christian Life Community (CLC) celebrated Rev Fr Austin Peres' birthday on the 15th of January, 2021 at 6.30 P.M. Fr. Gerald Pinto, Youth CLC Animator Mr. Gerald Concessao, Parish Vice President Mrs. Sheela D'Souza, and Mr. Edwar
20th January 2021
Installation of Photobooth for Communicants: Unique initiative by YSD-ICYM Derebail
The YSD-ICYM of Most Holy Redeemer Church is a dynamic group with energetic youngsters . Their involvement in the parish activities is an inspiration to all . Inorder to make special the annual Communion celebration, the youth got together to help...
29th November 2020
Feast Of St. Cecilia
The Choir members of Our parish celebrated the feast of their patron saint St.Cecilia on 21st of November 2020. The celebration began with a solemn mass at 5:00 pm offered by Parish priest Rev. Fr. Austin Peter Peris
24th November 2020
Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD/ICYM) Organised Freshers Party and Potluck 2020
On the 22nd of November, 2020 at 5:00 PM Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD/ICYM Derebail Unit) on the occasion of its Decennial year organised Freshers Party and Potluck at Derebail Church meeting hall. Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peres - Parish Priest and...
22nd November 2020
YSD Organizes Felicitation for Meritorious Students of SSLC and II PUC
Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD) on the occasion of its Decennial Year Celebration, felicitated the distinction achievers of Class 10 and Class 12.
18th October 2020
Unveiling of Logo: YSD steps into its Decennial Year
Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD), a premier youth association affiliated to Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Diocese of Mangalore stepped into its decennial year with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement with the unveiling of its new logo.
4th October 2020