Catechism Teachers Outing Back

Catechism Teachers Outing

Catechism Teachers play an important role in the Church. They are active members of the church who spend their Sunday mornings in teaching the little and not so little children about the teachings of the Gospel. They encourage and train children to participate in the liturgy. Above all they motivate the children and the youth of the parish to follow Jesus's path and become better human beings. 

The Catechism Teachers of Derebail Parish along with their Director Rev.Fr.Austin Peres has worked hard over the years to bring the children closer to the Church. As a token of appreciation and as a break from the routine a picnic was organised for the Catechism teachers on the 27th of February, 2022.

At 10.30am after the Catechism class and Holy Mass, the Catechism teachers had breakfast  and started their journey in a super Tempo Traveller, Star Travels to Monte Mariano(1526) convent of Capuchin Frads at Faragipet, a  historical place where Tippu Sultan used to visit frequently to have talks with then priests and to take rest. Because of the good rapport between the Provincial   Reverend  Fathers and the King, he had not destroyed the place.  Monument statue of Mother  Mary still retained at the entrance. The place is Beautiful and cool where one can see the seminary,
Wine destillery, Cows, Piggery, dogs, a river bank and a beautiful chapel. 

The teachers visited the Church , prayed  silently and then had small photo  session. They then moved to  Pavoor Ulia a beautiful island where the church dedicated to Infant Jesus is there. The teachers crossed the river over a manual wooden  bridge  adventurously of about one  kilometer long.This bridge is temporararily built every year by the Parishioners to cross the river to church from September to May, later seasons due to heavy rains and flood people have to use a boat provided  by the    Government. Its a beautiful place and scenery, where we can see vented dam , colleges, hills and industries. The teachers spent the remaining day there playing games. The vicar Rev Fr. Gerald Lobo extended hospitality and facility to stay and visit the church after lunch where we had a silent prayer. The teachers then went to the other side of the river by local  boats, spent rest of the time in water. By evening the teachers were r back to pavilion, Derebail with lots of fun and singing anthakshari in the Bus. It was a different kind of experience.

Report by: Edward Coelho

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