Palm Sunday: Parishioners Recollect Jesus' Victorious Entry into Jerusalem Back

Palm Sunday: Parishioners Recollect Jesus' Victorious Entry into Jerusalem

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy Week. Jesus' joyful entry into Jerusalem on a donkey with the people screaming ‘Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord’ Hosanna, Hosanna!" is a good remembrance of how this day is a day of sadness as well as joy. 

The parishioners gathered at the Church Grounds at 7 AM, where the ceremony began with an opening prayer by Fr Gerald. The palms were blessed by Fr Joseph Martis, Parish priest, the Holy water was sprinkled on all parishioners by the priests. After this, the parishioners followed Rev.Fr.Joseph Martis and Rev.Gerald Pinto with palms in their hands to the church (hall). The covered Cross, thurible and incense, altar boys and then all the faithful followed.

The Gospel of the day narrated the Passion of Christ. Fr Joseph in his homily emphasised how the Palm Sunday has two sides to it – Joy and suffering. Joy of the people welcoming Jesus in Jerusalem as a victorious event and how later Jesus was denied and put through suffering. Also, the importance of the other three days in the Holy week – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Alleluia Saturday/Easter Sunday was briefly explained. Easter being known as ‘Pasch’ which means ‘cross over’ – crossing over from earth to heaven/ from evil to goodness.

Father urged the faithful gathered to do these 3 things this Holy week: 

1. Silence – Remain in silence and avoid unnecessary noise, wherever we are and in whatever we do.

2. Reconcile – Saying sorry can be difficult but to make a good effort and to try it.

3. Patience – We might be short tempered or get riled up very easily but to stay calm. Speak positive about people and to avoid speaking or any sort of negativity.

The Children’s choir sang beautifully and increased the prayerful mood of the mass. The priests’ liturgical attire and most of the crowd synced with the colour ‘Red’.

In the evening, the devotion of the Way of the Cross was held at 5 PM. The Parish Pastoral Council members led the Way of the Cross by reading each station. The statues of Jesus carrying the cross and Sorrowful Mother made their way through each station by men and women carrying the statues respectively. The Way of the Cross ended at the Church Hall were all the parishioners gathered for a reflection. Rev. Fr Robert Dsouza, Principal – Lourdes Central Board School, gave an insightful reflection on how Jesus requires us in various instances. He used a boat from a fisherman to preach, bread and fish from a little boy to feed the multitude, raised Lazarus from the dead to show God’s glory, a Donkey for a joyous entry to Jerusalem. 

Also, he drew the attention of the people of how Jesus even though a God's son came searching for us to redeem us only because of his unconditional love.

Post reflection, Fr Joseph thanked Fr Robert, the parishioners and the volunteers who helped with the arrangements.

As the choir sang hymns, people paid their respects to the statues. And the proceedings of the day concluded.

Report by: Kevin Suares 
Pictures by: Simon Pereira 

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