Journey of the Glorious Cross - 13 April 2014 Back
Journey of the Glorious Cross which started on Good Friday last year made its triumphant entry to the church grounds today on Palm Sunday, 13th April 2014 at 5 pm, just as the Glorious entry of Christ Jesus into Jerusalem.
A year back we were not very sure that the journey would keep its momentum for the whole year with people joining in prayers in different wards every day. We can today proudly say that the faith Fr Peter and Fr Edwin had in the power of the cross and the parishioners proved them right. The yearlong celebration of the journey of the glorious cross met its purpose of bringing reconciliation and better understanding between neighbors. It also strengthened the unity among Parishioners for which Derebail church is renowned. We have testimonies of Miracles and healings that have taken place during the Journey of the Glorious Cross.
The celebration of the return journey of the Glorious Cross started from two ends of the Parish at 3.15 pm. On one side ward members from Kottara, Bejai, Kapikad, Kuntikan, Kottara Cross, KSRTC, Highway, Konchady lower, Barebail Upper and Lower, Kuntikan Junction and Gollachil ward members while on the other side from Akashbhavan, Kavoor, Land links Upper and Lower, Kadjahithlu, Derebail, Parapade Upper and Parapade Lower, Konchady upper and Church Wards.
Each procession was led by a main cross, followed by the brass band which played hymns. This was followed by various wards each led by the Gurkar holding the cross, with two people holding the candles and another two wards members holding a banner which had the verse from the Holy Bible printed on it. Behind them, our young and energetic altar boys were followed by members of the wards. It was a spectacular event to witness one procession proceeding from Kottara cross to Kuntikan Flyover and then towards the church, while the other moving from Akashbhavan to 4th Mile towards Konchady Bus Stop and Medi Plus Junction to finally intercede at the church grounds.
The journey displayed the spirituality of the event with the singing of hymns by the people and the children’s choir who were in groups of 15 at four places added to the solemnity of the event. The entire way in which the procession passed had 40 feet banners put up across the road with verses from the holy bible adorning the road. This increased the grandeur of the procession.
Once both the processions reached the Parish Grounds, all the Gurkars gracefully handed over the crosses to the Parish Priest Fr. Peter D’souza and this was followed by the message on the significance of the cross by Fr Sunil Kumar D’souza, Parish Priest of Thannir Bhavi Parish. In his message, Fr. Sunil said that the cross till the time of crucifixion of Jesus was a sign of defeat and shame, but it became a symbol of Victory and Glory. Kings fought battles with the cross as the sign of victory and were victorious. St Francis Xavier came to India with one cross in hand but today in Goa and in India, we find thousands of crosses. Adam and Eve brought spiritual death from the fruit of the Living tree but the fruit of the dry tree which Jesus died brought Life to the whole mankind. Fr. Sunil proved his devotion to the cross not only with his words but by his deeds by carrying one of the Main Cross of the procession from Akashbhavan to the parish grounds.
After the message, refreshments were served to over 1500 parishioners who had gathered for the final Journey of the Cross. The historic event was followed by a stage progamme of 4 hymns presented by Bhakti Sobhan lead by Vishwa Konkani Kala Ratn Eric Ozario. The event ended with a short musical play presented by the Kalakul team titled "Abrahamache Yagn Dhan ".
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