Parish News
Good Friday : The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ – 18 Apr 2014
Good Friday is the day when Christians all over the world commemorate the passion and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend this day in fasting, prayer, repentance,...
18th April 2014
Maundy Thursday - The Celebration of the Lord's Supper - 17 Apr 2014
On Maundy Thursday, the Catholic Church celebrates the Last Supper of the Lord. The Passover is the ritual meal, observed through centuries in accordance of the Law of Moses, held in commemoration of the Lord's liberation...
17th April 2014
Journey of the Glorious Cross - 13 April 2014
Journey of the Glorious Cross which started on Good Friday last year made its triumphant entry to the church grounds today on Palm Sunday, 13th April 2014 at 5 pm, just as the Glorious entry of Christ Jesus into Jerusalem. A...
13th April 2014
Palm Sunday - 13 Apr 2014
Palm Sunday was celebrated with great religious fervor marking the beginning of the Holy Week by Fr. Peter D Souza. Over a thousand parishioners gathered on the parish grounds at 7 AM, today on 13th April 2014. ...
13th April 2014
Konkani Retreat - 30 Mar 2014
As the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail is celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of the Parish; a five day Konkani retreat has been arranged for the Parishioners from 30th March to 3rd April 2014. The Retreat...
30th March 2014
Launch of Our Parish Website
The much awaited, new look, redesigned website of Derebail Church was launched on Sunday, 30th March, 2014 during the 7 AM Mass by Rev Fr Peter D'Souza, Parish priest along with Fr Edwin Monis, Assistant Parish Priest...
30th March 2014
Get Together for Parishioners in the Medical Field
A Get Together and Felicitation programme was organized for the Parishioners who are serving in the medical field on the 9th of February at 4 PM. The programme began with a hymn and a reading from the Holy Bible. The...
9th February 2014
Blood Donation Camp
Blood Donation Camp was organized on 9th of February 2014 in continuation of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Derebail Church. The event was jointly organized by the members of the Catholic Sabha and Yuva...
9th February 2014
Youth Retreat
Youth Retreat was organized by Yuva Spandan Derebail in association with Jesus Youth, Mangalore on the 2nd of February 2014 from 10.15 AM to 5.00 PM as a part of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Yuva Spandan, Derebail...
2nd February 2014