Inaugural of YCS Derebail Back
Young Catholic Students movement Derebail was inaugurated on 13th July, 2014 during the Sunday Liturgy by Rev. Peter D’souza - Parish Priest and Spiritual Director of YCS, by lighting the candle as a symbol of dedication and readiness to serve and to be a light to the world. He then shared the light by lighting the candle held by the newly elected President and other office bearers and all the YCS members.
The solemn oath to serve was taken by all members and led by the President Ujjwal Mascarenhas, Secretary – Evon Sequeira, Treasurer - Clenster Lobo, Public Relations – Nikita Fernandes, Cell Leaders – Premal, Rolvin, Wayne, Nikitha, Mavil, Susan, Ian, Carol, Frankson, Steffi and all the members. The liturgy was conducted in a meaningful manner by the YCS members who lead the readings and prayers of the faithful.
Earlier addressing the students and parents Fr. Vinod Lobo – Mentor of YCS, Derebail, explained its origin and the motto. YCS has its roots in YCW which was founded by Cardinal Joseph Cardijn in 1920s in Belgium after the 1st world war. YCS is an offshoot of YCW movement and dates back to 1929 in Belgium.
In his address, Fr. Vinod explained that all problems we face in life are due to the pressure we face in taking right decisions. If decisions taken go wrong, we have to pay a price. Many a time decisions go wrong as we lack experience, due to which we see things and act immediately.
In YCS, students are trained to see, judge and then act. This he said will not only help students during their college life but also at the work place and in life as a whole. He urged parents to send students to YCS meetings as academics is important but it will not guide youngsters to take practical decisions that they often need to take. He promised the students and their parents, on behalf of the animators Michael D’silva and Simon Pereira that students will have an active year ahead as part of the YCS team of Derebail Parish.
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