Parish News
Awareness On Water Conservation And Terrace Gardening
Organic Farming and Water Conservation is a hot topic everywhere but a practical and feasible solution is hard to get. At this crucial juncture the Cultural Committee of our parish took a unique initiative of...
24th August 2014
Seminar on Liturgy - 27 July 2014
Liturgy being an important part of the Catholic faith, Fr. Peter D'souza our parish Priest felt the importance of giving the right perspective on this aspect to the parishioners. Fr. Vijay Machado, Director...
27th July 2014
Inaugural of YCS Derebail
Young Catholic Students movement Derebail was inaugurated on 13th July, 2014 during the Sunday Liturgy by Rev. Peter D'souza - Parish Priest and Spiritual Director of YCS, by lighting the candle as a symbol of dedication...
13th July 2014
Warm Welcome to Fr. Vinod Lobo
Just as the parishioners of Derebail Church were adjusting to the reality of the transfer of Fr. Edwin Monis, they were blessed to receive Fr. Vinod Godwin Lobo who was transferred from the parish of Immaculate Conception,...
2nd June 2014
Farewell Programme of Fr. Edwin Monis - 1 June 2014
Adios ....... Pastor, Friend, Brother, Guide was the thought for the last couple of days in the minds of every parishioner when it was announced that our Dear Assistant Parish Priest Fr. Edwin Monis was getting...
1st June 2014
First Holy Communion - 4 May 2014
\n The First Holy Communion ceremony for 25 little children of the Parish was held on the 4th of May 2014 during the 09:15 AM mass. Fr. Joseph Martis, Rector of the Jeppu Seminary was the main celebrant along with Rev. Fr....
4th May 2014
Platinum Jubilee Grand Finale - Felicitation & Community Dinner - 27 April 2014, 6.30 PM
Mr. Victor Correa and Mrs. Felcy Lobo, the compeers of the evening thanked our Beloved Bishop and all the concelebrants for partaking in the Thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration and for praying for Parishioners of Derebail...
27th April 2014
Grand Finale Platinum Jubilee - Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebrations - 27 April 2014
On 27thApril, the 2nd Sunday of Easter which is also the Divine Mercy Sunday, the Parishioners gathered at the church grounds at 5 PM for the grand finale of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Most Holy Redeemer...
27th April 2014
Platinum Jubilee Vojhen Procession & Cooking Preparations
The Vojhen procession on the eve of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail started from Konchady at 6 PM on Saturday, 26th April. About 600 Parishioners, young and old alike assembled...
26th April 2014
Sacrament of Confirmation - 22 April 2014
It was a great day for the Parishioners when 57 young boys and girls received their confirmation on 22nd April, 2014. Our Beloved Bishop Rt. Reverend Aloysius Paul D'souza arrived at 5 PM at the Derebail Parish...
22nd April 2014