YSD-ICYM Office bearers Oath taking and Logo Unveiling Back

New year of activities for YSD - ICYM began with Oath taking of its newly elected Office bearers for the year 2017 --2018 and also unveiling of the new logo during the Children's mass.

The newly elected office bearers, members, animator Mrs.Lizzie Fernandes and YCS animator Mr.Michael D'Silva were all gathered together for the 9:15am mass to herald the beginning of a new year for YSD.The office bearers along with the animators entered in a procession and took the oath pledging to serve the church and the youth, the oath was administered by Fr.Gratian Alvares.

Immediately afterwards Fr.Austin Peres unveiled the new logo with the words 'Dream, believe and inspire' and congratulated the youth and asked them to dream big and achieve their dreams. Thereafter the holy

Mass was celebrated by Fr.Gratian Alvares, Fr.Clive Mendonca and Fr.Walter Pinto.

Report by: Maizy Fernandes
Pictures: Prajwal Sequeira

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