Association News
Catholic Sabha derebail - Annual picnic 2018
Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) Derebail Unit has conducted picnic on sunday, 03.06.2018 to Thottam in a private bus with good start in Prayerful Hymns.
3rd June 2018
Campfire 2018-Christian Life Community(CLC - Youth Unit)
The campfire was held on 13 May 2018, in the premises of Mr. Ullas D'costa, Animator of Youth CLC. The event resumed at 7PM with Prayer. Ms. Adriel Quadros, Vice President welcomed the gathering.
13th May 2018
Altar Boys Sodality and Legion of Mary - Annual Picnic 2017/18
A one day picnic at Carebean Resort was organised for the Altar boys sodality and Legion of Mary on 08th of May, 2018. There were 27 Altar Boys and 25 members from the Legion of Mary sodality. Along with them Rev Fr Graitian Alvares, Alwin Carvalho
8th May 2018
Youth CLC carried out the way of cross on 18 March, 2018.
18th March 2018
YSD Annual Picnic - 2017/18
It was the day we the members of YSD were eagerly waiting for. After working diligently and tirelessly for the past months we got to relax and have fun as a team.With uncontained excitement 20 YSD members along with our animator Mrs. Lizzie Fernandes
17th February 2018
The election of Youth CLC -2018 was held on 14th January. In connection to it, Oath taking ceremony was held on 4th February for the elected Council members.
4th February 2018
The annual picnic was held on 26th January 2018 at Picnic Paradise in Kemmannu of Udupi District
26th January 2018
Drug Awareness Programme - YSD
On the 21st of January 2018 the members of Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD – ICYM) got together with the support of YCS, local hindu organizations and our very own parishioners to shine light upon the ‘usage of drugs and its ill-effects on the society’.
21st January 2018
Christmas Story Writing and Card Making Competition
‘Christmas brings joy and happiness to everyone alike.’ With the Christmas spirit in the air YSD organised card making and story writing competition for Derebail parishioners on the 17th of December morning. The theme for the competitions was of
17th December 2017
Drawing Competition - YOUTH CLC
To show the colorful mind of children drawing competition was held on 10-12-2017 by Christian Life Community (CLC) youth unit members. Young artists were seen by all.
10th December 2017