Association News
Christian Life Community (CLC) - Annual Day 2018
On the occasion of the feast of Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary the members of CLC celebrated their Annual day on 08th December, 2018. A Thanksgiving mass was offered at 05:00PM at Most Holy Redeemer Church, in which the members of the Association took active part. This was followed by a get-together at 07:00PM at the Church Basement. The Formal Programme began with a prayer song. Mr Gerald Concessao, senior CLC president welcomed the gathering. Rev. Fr Austin Peres, Parish Priest; Rev. Fr Grat
8th December 2018
The youth Christian Life Community (CLC) members of our parish had organized a Bible Quiz competition on Sunday 9 September 2018. The participants comprised of children from class 4 upto YCS. Competition was conducted individually in a written format in their respective catechism classes from 8:15am-9:00am. The Quiz comprised of two sections, first containing the multiple choice questions and the second with essay type questions. Class wise allocation of the chapters were done. A good response was obtained
8th September 2018
An evaluation on Pavsa Gammath and a Small Get-together
An evaluation on Pavsa Gammath and a small get-together was organized on 21st of August, 2018 for all the members of Yuva Spandan Derebail - ICYM Derebail unit at 06.30 PM in the Church meeting hall to celebrate the grand success of Pavsa Gammath
21st August 2018
YSD - ICYM Derebail Unit Celebrates Youth Day
On 05th of August, 2018 (Sunday) Yuva Spandan Derebail - ICYM Derebail Unit Celebrated Youth Day. A small get together was arranged at Derebail Church Meeting Hall for all the YSD - ICYM members at 08:00 AM.
5th August 2018
YCS Inauguration - 2018
YCS Inauguration was held on 22nd July 2018 at 9.15 a.m. mass. Rev.Fr. Gratian Alvares celebrated the mass and Rev.Fr. Austin Peres inaugurated the YCS for the academic year by symbolically attaching the YCS logo onto a board
22nd July 2018
YSD - ICYM Inauguration, Oath Taking & Van Mahotsav 2018
On 17th of June, 2018 the members of Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD - ICYM) began their new year with the Eucharistic Celebration at 09:15 AM, wherein all the YSD members along with their animator took part. The New Office Bearers of YSD took their oath
17th June 2018
Catholic Sabha derebail - Annual picnic 2018
Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) Derebail Unit has conducted picnic on sunday, 03.06.2018 to Thottam in a private bus with good start in Prayerful Hymns.
3rd June 2018
Campfire 2018-Christian Life Community(CLC - Youth Unit)
The campfire was held on 13 May 2018, in the premises of Mr. Ullas D'costa, Animator of Youth CLC. The event resumed at 7PM with Prayer. Ms. Adriel Quadros, Vice President welcomed the gathering.
13th May 2018
Altar Boys Sodality and Legion of Mary - Annual Picnic 2017/18
A one day picnic at Carebean Resort was organised for the Altar boys sodality and Legion of Mary on 08th of May, 2018. There were 27 Altar Boys and 25 members from the Legion of Mary sodality. Along with them Rev Fr Graitian Alvares, Alwin Carvalho
8th May 2018
Youth CLC carried out the way of cross on 18 March, 2018.
18th March 2018