Sports Day Back

It was the first month of a new year. Every mind would have had a thought of accomplishing something new. Every person would have had a desire of making a fresh start leaving back all the stress and strains of the daily life. Thus, for making this possible, a fantastic opportunity was provided by the Derebail Parish Sports Club. After the tremendous display of cricket, it was now time for another gathering of the parishioners.

On account of its completion of glorious twenty five years, Derebail Parish Sports Club had organized various programs for the parishnors of Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail. In accordance with this, on January 18, 2015, SPORTS DAY was organized at the DPSC ground. Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Peter Dsouza and Asst. Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Vinod Lobo were the guests of honour. They were accompanied by the members of the parish council, office bearers of the club and also few senior members of the club. Just like most of the programs, ‘Sports Day’ also began with a formal program wherein the guests inaugurated and declared the ‘Sports Day’ open for the day.

Various games were arranged for satisfying the minds and quenching the thirst of the hearts of the people of all age levels. Everyone gathered including the kids and the elderly persons, men and women participated actively with an amazing spirit. The desire to win, the heights of competition, the energy and efforts that each and everyone put in was a feast to one’s eyes.

The program was very well organized by the club. The whole atmosphere had turned out to be a mighty fair. The program ended up on a high note of success and relief to the club members as their efforts in organizing this program was beautifully appreciated by the active participation of the parishioners. At the end of the day the ‘Sports Day’ was declared close for the day and everyone returning home had a smile of satisfaction on their faces. 

Report by: Prajwal Sequeira
Pictures: Preetham D’Almeida

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