Elder's Day Back

Elder’s Day was celebrated on the 1st of December 2013 with the offering of the Holy Eucharistic celebration during the 9.15 AM mass. The Secular Franciscan Order organized this programme for all the elders of the parish above the age of 70 years.  A total of 145 people, including seventy eight elders and members of the Secular Franciscan Order participated in this programme. For the last 18 years, this programme has been organized by the members of the Derebail Secular Franciscan Order year on year.

After mass, all the members assembled at the Parish mail hall for the stage programme, entertainment and games. The Parish Priest, the Assistant Parish Priest, Mrs. Judith Pinto, the Convent Superior and the Parish Secretary and Brothers, The president of the Order Mrs. Thelma Pinto were present on the dais.

Sister Carmelita introduced the guest Mrs. Judith Pinto to the gathering. The Chief Guest in her address to the elders conveyed to them the topics that they should pay their attention to and the matters they should devote their time on during their old age in an interesting way.

The Parish Priest in his address informed the gathering that his grandmother was the most loving person in his life and being the eldest person in his family had the maximum influence in his life. Mr. Anil Pinto talked on the aspects that the elders should be careful about in their advanced years and shared his thoughts.

The members of ‘Yuva Spandan’ under the direction of Sr. Carmelita presented the entertainment programme that included Dance, singing competition, jokes and games. Mrs. Thelma Pinto welcomed the gathering, Mrs. Mary Vaz led the prayer, Mr. Joseph Tauro proposed the vote of thanks and Sister Carmelita D’souza directed the programme.

All the elders gathered were presented a memento followed by a hearty lunch 

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