Konchady Ward Day Celebration Back
Konchady Ward Day Celebration
The members of Konchady 1 ward celebrated their ward day on 27 November, 2021. The ward members offered thanks to the Lord as they jointly participated in the Eucharistic Celebration at 5PM. The main celebrant was Rev.Fr.Austin Peres. The Advent Season was symbolically inaugurated by the lighting of the candle of Hope. In his homily , Fr.Austin explained the importance of the Advent Season.
The Mass was followed by a get-together of the ward members on the terrace of Blue Berry Platinum building. The programme was compered by Amish Carvalho. The programme started with a brief prayer service. The ward Gurkar Ms Sheela D'Souza welcomed the gathering. Ms Benny D'Cunha, ward representative, presented the ward report for the past 4 years.
Parish Priest Rev Fr Austin Peres informed the gathering that the number of families in the ward has increased beyond 60. So, as per the Diocesan guidelines, there was a need for bifurcation of the ward. With the consensus of the elders of the ward, it was decided to bifurcate the ward into Konchady and Konchady I with the Konchady - Mandarabail road in front of Mr Denis D'Souza's ancestral house serving as the boundary between the 2 wards. Ms Sheela D'Souza continued as the gurkar of Konchady ward and Mr Ajith Albuquerque and Ms Helen Menezes were elected as representatives. Mrs.Benny D'Cunha was elected as the new gurkar of the Konchady I ward and Ms Juliana Carlo and Mr Stanislaus Crasta as representatives. Ms Sheela D'Souza, erstwhile gurkar of the undivided ward thanked everyone for their cooperation and selfless service towards all the programmes conducted for the past many years as one family in the ward and assured support and cooperation in the coming days too as a united Konchady ward. Fr Gerald Pinto congratulated the elected members and wished them all the sucess in their tenure.
As part of the cultural programme there were dances by children and ladies and comedy skit. Spot games were conducted by Ms Helen Menezes. Teachers from the ward were honoured for their service in church and schools. All the participants of programme were felicitated with roses for their wonderful performance. Mr Stanislaus Crasta, representative proposed the vote of thanks. Fr Austin invoked the grace before meal and wished " Bon Appetite" to the gathering.
After a sumptuous meal the programme came to a close with a baila dance.
A total of 86 members were present for the celebration
Report by: Helen Menezes
Pictures: Simon Photography
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