Barebail Lower Ward Celebrates the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady Back

Barebail Lower Ward Celebrates the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady

On 17 September 2023, the Barebail Lower Ward members gathered together to celebrate the feast of the nativity of Mother Mary and to have the fellowship meal, the ‘novem jevan’.   34 ward members from 18 families graced the occasion.  Fr Joseph Martis and Fr Keven D’Souza were the guests of honour who addressed the ward members and expressed their joy for the unity and team spirit within the ward.  Fr Joseph Martis specifically highlighted the upcoming events in the parish, like anti-drug awareness activities, hour of adoration, ward-wise rosary in October and the Mission Sunday celebration, and requested for everyone’s wholehearted support.  Fr Kevin D’Souza spoke about the importance of family prayer and family rosary to build strong, loving and caring families.  He also reminded us that it is important to pray for others, specially those who are in need of our prayers, like the sick, the old, the orphans, those facing persecution, those in prison, etc.

The evening commenced with the Rosary in honour of Infant Mary and was followed by the ward meeting. Liyola Pinto and other children presented solo and group dances to the cheering of ward members.  A game of housie-housie too was conducted.  After the recitation of a prayer of thanksgiving, everyone partook the blessed corn with ‘vorn’ and enjoyed the delicious traditional meal which was prepared by various families of the ward.  The festivities came to an end with the recitation of a Marian hymn and with a joyous atmosphere and stronger family bonds among the ward members.

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