Training of the Parish Pastoral Parishad (Govlik Parishad) at Derebail Church Back
Training of the Parish Pastoral Parishad (Govlik Parishad) at Derebail Church
The training of the Parish Pastoral Parishad (Govlik Parishad) was held at Derebail Parish on Sunday 11th June, 2023. The program began with a prayer at 10.15 a.m. led by Fr Kevin the Assistant Parish Priest. The Parish Priest, Fr Joseph Martis, welcomed the gathering. In particular, he welcomed Fr. Kevin who was attending this meeting for the first time. He also welcomed Sr.Maria Aranha, the Principal of the St Ann’s School, Christon the President of YSD, and Gladson the YCS animator who also were attending this meeting for the first time. Thereafter, he welcomed the Resource Person of the day, Rev. Fr Navin Pinto, the Administrator of the Seminary and also the Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Mangalore. The Parish Priest then explained briefly the purpose of this training. He noted that all the Govlik Parishad members of every parish in Mangalore Diocese need to undergo training as it is a Diocesan Policy. He then introduced the speaker Fr Navin saying, he is the most sought after priest to give trainings to the Parish Govlik Parishad members and hence we are happy to have him.
Fr Navin through his Power Point presentation elaborately placed before the house the role and mission of the members of the Govlik Parishad. He underscored the following points:
We are baptized and hence we participate in the mission of the church at the local level, namely in our parishes.
We are called to spread the Good News of Jesus in our parishes.
We are chosen by the people and hence we have the responsibility towards our people in doing parish work.
Govlik Parishad members should work in communion with the Parish priest. There is no ruling and opposition parties in the Parish Council.
Parish Council is not a place for the opinions of the few, all are called to share their views.
Parish Council is not the ultimate decisive body rather it is a consultative body.
The Parish Council members should not discuss much about money, this is the work of the Parish Finance Council. Parish Council members should concentrate on the pastoral aspects such as: family welfare, youth formation, children’s wellbeing, assistance towards the sick and the needy, parish catechesis, working in team with 21 commissions (Ayogs), Family visits, spiritual wellbeing of the parishioners and so on.
All should work in unison for it is not a political association rather it is a mission given by the Jesus our Master.
In the Parish Council, there is no room for party politics, personal gains, looking for power and authority. We are called for service.
There is no room for competition, rather we work in collaboration, with associations, ayogs and so on.
The financial matters have to be discussed in the Parish Finance Council, they need to plan for the wellbeing of the parish financial situation.
After the talk, as there were no questions the meeting continued.
Fr Joseph Martis, the Parish Priest, informed the house about the recent work undertaken in the Parish and the money spent on different projects and in the same note thanked all the parishioners for their generous contribution. He then said that we have formed 21 Ayogs and we need to start working and hence requested all the members to be part of one ayog or another and chalk out a programme along with Ayog Sanchalaks (Leaders). By the end of June, all the ayogs will meet and finalize their activities to be carried through the Year.
He also informed the house that from the month of July, we will be bringing Communion to the sick every month. He requested all the Gurkars and Prathinidhis to take a little more interest in motivating people to participate in the SCC Ward meetings.
As there were no questions, the Parish priest thanked all the members for their active participation, and constant support towards the wellbeing of the parish. The meeting ended with the angelus at 12.15 noon.
Pictures: Simon Pereira
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