Taize Prayer 2018 Back

Taize Prayer 2018

Taize prayer was held at the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail, Mangaluru on the 17th of March, 2018 at 06:45 PM. It was a very special time. The Altar was beautified with candels and lamps with a crucifix at the center. The choir along with Mr. Norbert gave an introduction and a short history of the TAIZE (the prayer with the lighted lamps) which began in France in 1940. There is also a Taize community. The prayer was started by singing few hymns, followed by praying for a few intensions. Some of them were for:

1) The peace of the world

2) For those students who will be answering thier exams.

3) For Pope, Bishop, Priests and all the religious people.

4) For the Parents.

5) For the Youth.

6) For the upcoming elections and many others.

Later Mr. Norbert laid down the crucifix and kneeled down followed by the people present. By this the taize prayer ended. This prayer service was organised by Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD - ICYM)

Report by: Reon Sylvester
Pictures: Ashley Monis and Jassica

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