Recollection to the ExtraOrdinary Eucharistic Ministers at Derebail Church Back

Recollection to the Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers at Derebail Church

A special Meeting and Recollection was organised to the Extra-ordinary Eucharistic ministers at Derebail Church on Tuesday, 26th March at 6.30 in the evening. Rev Fr John Baptist Saldanha, Parish Priest, Bejai Church, animated the Recollection talk. In his reflection, Fr John underscored the mission and dignity of the extra-ordinary Eucharistic ministers in our church. It is a special vocation given by the Lord through the church and we should be happy and grateful for this ministry. This ministry invites us not just to be distributing the Holy Communion, but it also calls us to represent Jesus in our day-to-day life. We are called to be “Walking Tabernacles.” We need to carry Christ in our lives, in our words and actions, in in our families and parish community. Parish is a living community of faithful and hence as Eucharistic ministers we have the responsibility to make this community alive and participatory. As Eucharistic ministers, we have the responsibility to give living witness to Jesus and thus we are called to be people of integrity. Then he gave a few practical tips such as, Eucharistic ministers need to pay attention to their dress code, as well their public demeanour. The parish community has recognised in them good qualities and hence they should be role models in their behaviour and talk.  All of us are called to build a happy and joyful Christian community and Eucharistic minsters have a distinctive role in this mission. Fr Joseph Martis, The Parish Priest in his address appreciated the service of the extraordinary Eucharistic ministers to our parish. He said that they are rendering their service very generously. He also insisted on regularity as well as their role as bearing witness to Jesus beyond church premises. We need to give Jesus both in the church as well as in our families and wards, he insisted. He then thanked Fr John Baptist for his meaningful talk and wished him well in his parish ministry. There were 22 extra-ordinary ministers present along with the Parish Vice President and Secretary. Fr Kevin Lawrence participated in the session. The Recollection concluded with the angelus at 8.10. p.m.

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