Parish News

Pavsa Gammath

The 'Pavsa Gammath' event was organized as part of the Platinum jubilee celebrations of the Derebail Parish with the objective of bringing together the parish community. Behind every successful programme is...

15th August 2013

Patrao Nite

Patrao Nite was held on 15th August 2013 to a full house at the Parish Main Hall , in continuation of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail. The Patrao brothers, John and Anil...

15th August 2013

Konkani Niyal

Konkani Niyall which literally means arousing concern for the Konkani language in the hearts and minds of the Konkani people was the main aim of the first cultural programme organized as part of the year long Platinum...

16th June 2013

Silver Jubilee Celebration of our Parish Priest

Our Parish Priest Rev Fr Dr Peter D'souza celebrated his Silver Jubilee of his Ordination into Priesthood (3rd May 2013) on 4th May along with the parishioners. The parishioners gathered together at 5 pm...

4th May 2013

Inauguration of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The parish of The Most Holy Redeemer will be completing 75 years this April 2014. The inauguration of this jubilee year began on Easter Sunday on 30th March 20113. Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis, Rector of St. Joseph Seminary...

30th March 2013

Renovation of the Church Building

With the Platinum Jubilee of Derebail Church round the corner, our Parish Priest Fr. Peter D'Souza, got real serious about the state of our Church building. The forty year old structure was in a pretty bad shape and...

3rd March 2013