Missionary Childhood Association Inaugurated at Derebail Parish Back

Missionary Childhood Association Inaugurated at Derebail Parish

Missionary Childhood Association was inaugurated at Derebail Parish on Sunday, 22 September, 2024. Rev Fr Harry D’Souza, the diocesan coordinator for the Commission for Proclamation Apostolate, initiated the children on the Proclamation apostolate, its Mission, Objectives and goals. He spoke to the children after the Catechism Classes and during the Homily. He underscored the nature, mission and scope of this association. Children are called to proclaim the message of Jesus in small and little ways; Children are chosen by the Lord to be his torch bearers.  The movement which started in France, has today spread all over the world. Children come together and sacrifice their little pocket money towards the assistance of the poor children. They visit hospitals and pray for the sick; children speak about Jesus and Holy Bible with their companions in the school. Children help on Mission Sunday ….. These are the little ways the children get involved in the mission work. The language of the children is so powerful and impressive that it can ignite the hearts of all people including those belonging to other faiths. 
After the Mass, more than 50 children gathered round to learn more about this Association. Fr Joseph Martis, the Parish Priest, Fr Kevin the Associate, Mr Oswald D’Souza the Coordinator of the Commission for Proclamation apostolate inspired and encouraged the children towards this mission. Derebail Parish is so happy and joyful to have a group of children who are willing to communicate the message of Christ in small and little ways.

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Congratulations Dear Manish Pinto
Congratulations Mr. Reuben and Mrs. Anusha Machado