Education For Life Back
The knowledge of one’s self, keeping in mind the changes that a human body goes through right from birth is an important study. The study of this aspect of life is something that is not restricted to medical practioners alone. Every human being must get acquainted with the changes that happen in one’s physical self. With this thought in mind the Catholic Sabha initiated in organizing an hour’s session for the youth at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail. The programme as titled “EDUCATION FOR LIFE” aimed at equipping the youth of the Church with knowledge that would empower them for life.
The session commenced at 10.15 A.M. at the Most Holy Redeemer Church’ Main Hall on the 13th of September,2015. Children from Std VIII uptill the youth were all a part of this programme. The session began with a hymn. The Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Joseph Lobo, the Assistant Parish Priest Fr.Anil.Lobo, the Secretary of Catholic Sabha Wilma Monteiro, the Vice-President of Parish Pastoral Council Anil Patrao and the Sectretary of Parish Pastoral Council Edward Coelho were all present. The resource person Dr.Jerome.Pinto then took charge of the session and gave a lucid presentation on the skills of healthy living. He spoke on the various stages of growth focusing more on the stage of puberty. The knowing of the “self” and the acceptance of the “self ” and through the acceptance of the “self ” acceptance of others is what characterized his talk. Lavita Misquith assisted Dr.Jerome. Pinto by operating the PPT. The seesion was indeed educative and informative.
Refreshments were then served.
Report by: Lynsha Lobo
Pictures: Simon Pereira
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