Celebration of Solemnity of Mother Mary along with Thanksgiving Mass Back
New Year Mass: Celebration of Solemnity of Mother Mary along with Thanksgiving Mass
The Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on New Year's Eve.
In order to honour Mother Mary and offer gratitude to the Lord for the blessings showered throughout the past year, the parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail assembled at the Church grounds for Adoration and Benediction of Blessed Sacrament at 7.00 PM. This was led by Rev. Fr. Anil D'souza, Director of Family Life Centre, Bajjodi.
The adoration was followed by a Festal Mass at 7.30 PM. Rev. Fr. Anil D'souza was the Main celebrant and Parish Priest, Rev Fr. Joseph Martis, Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Kevin D'souza and Fr. Rudolph Tauro SJ were the con-celebrants.
In his homily, Fr. Anil called upon the faithful to begin the journey of new year along with the presence of Mother Mary through prayer and Rosary. He further highlighted that women are one among the best creations of God who play a variety of roles in family and society and Mother Mary is an ideal example. He ended the sermon by stressing that Mother Mary with her humble nature and acceptance to God's will chose the important side which was pleased to God and encouraged the faithful to follow the same.
At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, donors and sponsors were honoured with the Murdom candle and certificates for their contribution towards the Parish Jubilee celebration. The melodious voices of the Church Choir raised the devotion of the celebration.
Refreshments were served after the mass.
The New Year began with jubilation as the parishioners exchanged greetings.
Report by: Leston Pinto
Pictures: Simon Pereira
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