Women's Association on a Day's Picnic To Caribbean Sea Resort, Mulki Back

Women's Association on a Day's Picnic To Caribbean Sea Resort, Mulki

The members of the Women's association  Derebail, embarked on a day trip to Caribbean Sea Resort in Mulki, Mangalore, on 10.05.2024. The picnic team from Derebail assembled at the Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail as the starting point. In the absence of Rev.Fr. Joseph Martis , Fr. Preetham prayed and blessed the members and wished them a wonderful day. 28 members, 9 children, 1 religious sister and the parish priests, participated in the picnic. The children introduced themselves after breakfast. A variety of games, conducted by Pramila Furtado, and Sweeden , kept the members active and happy. As the picnic spot was on the riverbank and there was continuous high tide,  there was continuous cool breez which provided comfort and cheerfulness.
After lunch all relaxed for sometime and then we're escorted by resort people to the river bank. All children and adults enjoyed in the river till about 4.30 p.m. The team then got back and freshened up while, evening tea was served. Finally, on the way back to Derebail, people greeted each other and thanked all.

Report by : Mercy Menezes 
Pics by : shared



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Congratulations Dear Christon Menezes
Happy Birthday Rev. Fr Joseph Martis