Oath Taking Ceremony: Newly Elect YCS Office Bearers Take Charge Back

Oath Taking Ceremony: Newly Elect YCS Office Bearers Take Charge

The election for the YCS office bearers for the year 2023-2024 was conducted on11th June, 2023 in the presence of the animators Mr.Gladson Monteiro, Mrs.Jonita Monteiro and Ms.Delina D'Souza.The animators asked the youth to imbibe the culture of SEE, JUDGE and ACT. The youth were divided into five  cells and a Cell leader and secretary  were appointed for each of the cells .

 The Oath taking ceremony of the newly elect office bearers of the YCS was held on 18th June, 2023 during the 9.00 AM  mass.The Oath was initiated by the Asst Parish Priest /Asst Director of YCS, Fr Kevin D'Souza. The Parish priest Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis congratulated the elected members, wished them success in all their endeavours and urged them all to be active participants in all the activities that concern the YCS and the Parish.
The systematic arrangement of the Oath taking ceremony was done by the animators.

The newly elect office bearers are:
President: Sancia Ruth Dcunha
Vice President: Croydon Dmello
Lady Vice President: Deona D'Souza 
Secretary: Aaron Anthony 
Treasurer: Rolan Rodrigues 
Yuvatare Rep: Shynel Jenisha Pinto
Sports Rep: Sweedan Noronha
Cultural Rep: Aldrean Furtado
Liturgy Rep: Joylin Miranda

Report by: Shynel Pinto

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