Mother's Day Celebration Back

Mother's Day Celebration

Derebail Women's Association along with the Commission for Women celebrated Mother's day on Sunday, the 8th of May, 2022. The members of both the associations joined in together for a Eucharistic celebration at 7AM. Thereafter they gathered in the Parish Meeting Hall for the monthly meeting. Breakfast was served to all the members present.

 Mrs.Gretta Pinto, President,DCCW, and Mrs. Sylvia Dsouza, Vice President ,DCCW, had presided over the meeting. Mrs.Felcy Lobo welcomed the gathering, and introduced the Chief Guest Mrs.Sylvia D'Souza . Mrs.Juliet Fernandes read a small poem on the theme "Mother". Mrs Sylvia Dsouza spoke on  Christian Minority Women's Multipurpose co-operative Bank. This was followed by question answer session for few minutes. Mrs Gracy D'Souza, Secretary rendered the Vote of Thanks. After the departure of chief guest, regular monthly meeting followed.

Report by: Mrs Mercy Menezes
Pictures: Mrs.Hilda Pais

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