Farewell to Fr. Gratian by Youth CLC Derebail Back
Farewell to Fr. Gratian by Youth CLC Derebail
A felicitation ceremony to honour Fr. Gratian was organized by Christian Life Community, Youth Derebail, at 6.30 PM on 12th of September.
The formal programme resumed with the Prayer led by Fr. Gerald Pinto. Mr Brian Almeida welcomed the gathering. This was followed by cutting off the farewell cake by Fr. Gratian Alvares.
A Farewell song was sung by Ms Adriel and group.
A PPT was compiled and presented by Mr Deral Almeida cherishing the memories of the times spent together with the CLC members.
Mr Ullas D' Costa on behalf of the members in appreciation to Fr. Gratian highlighted the special interest and love he had for the Parish In particular towards Youth and children over and above the other three responsibilities which were assigned as part of his mission. Fr. Gratian responded to this entire felicitation ceremony with humble words of gratitude for the love shown by the members. He applauded the dedication of the members towards the Parish activities and encouraged them to continue with the same spirit and enthusiasm.
Rev. Fr. Austin Peres also in his message appreciated Fr. Gratian.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Glain Figreda and the ceremony was compered by Ms Carol D'Souza. Snacks were served to the gathering.
In the end, a Farewell card along with the memento as a token of appreciation was presented to Fr. Gratian by the Members.
Fr.Austin Peres, Fr.Gerald, Mrs Sheela D'Souza, Mr.Gaulbert Pais along with the Animators Mr Ullas D'Costa and Mr Gerald Concessao were the present for the ceremony. A total of 17 members were present and the ceremony concluded with the Final blessing given by Fr. Austin.
Report by: Leston Pinto
Pictures: CLC Members
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