Christian Life Community (CLC) celebrate it's Patron's Day      Back

Christian Life Community (CLC) celebrate it's Patron's Day                                      

On the occassion of the feast of Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary, CLC members celebrated CLC day on 8th of December 2021. The celebration began with a Thanksgiving Mass at 5.30PM, followed by a get together programme at Derebail Church Meeting Hall at 6.30 PM.
 The motive of CLC is "To Christ, through Mary".
The programme was conducted by seeking God's blessings. 
To begin with, a formal  programme was held where the Parish Priest Rev. Fr.  Austin Peres, Socius Priest Rev. Fr. Gerald Pinto, Vice President of PPP Mrs. Sheela D'souza, Secretary of PPP Mr. Gaulbert Pais, CLC Diocesan President Liston Dsouza, President of Senior CLC Mr. Ullas D'costa and President of Youth CLC Mr. Brian D'Almeida were the dignitaries on the dias. 
Mr. Ullas D'costa welcomed the gathering.
 The report of senior CLC was read by the Secretary Mrs Clotilda D'souza and Youth CLC report was read by Ms. Anvisha D'souza. This was followed by a short presentation by Ms.Sharrel Veigas that captured the moments on the activities conducted and services rendered throughout the year by Youth CLC.
The book written by Mr. Lawrence Alvares (Naveen Kulsekhar)  "Amso Vigar" was released and was also honoured simultaneously for their contribution in literature. 
Further, Mrs. Sheela D'souza was honoured for the selfless service that she has been rendering in the Parish.
Mr.Ullas D'costa was honoured for their endless and relentless service to CLC and the Parish.

Later on, the CLC Diocesan President Mr. Liston D'souza addressed the gathering by shedding light on the enhancement and development of CLC.
 Adding on to it, Rev. Fr. Austin Peres and Rev. Fr. Gerald Pinto motivated and encouraged the youth to enhance their skills. 
The Vote of thanks was rendered by Mr. Brian D'Almeida. 

The cultural programme began with a dance led by the most enthusiastic couple of senior CLC.
A skit was then enacted by Youth CLC which made everyone laugh. The female members of Youth CLC later on performed a dance that entertained all.
Further, a skit by senior CLC was done. It was indeed hilarious performance. 
At the end, a most energetic and fun filled dance by Youth CLC was performed.
After the cultural programme, dinner was served. The entire Programme was compered by Ms. Preethi Pais. A total of 41 members were present.
To conclude, it was a pleasant reunion with lots of fun and a day to be cherished.

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