The Furious Outbreak - By Adriel Quadros Back

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The Furious Outbreak

Everyone was hale and hearty;
Until the news of COVID 19 spread with a fury.
It spread out to not one or two but the entire globe;
Lives were shattered; distance mattered but the therapy was still in probe.
People praying, sanitizer's spraying;
Wearing mask and hand washing,
Some at home in quarantine;
Few others trying to keep the surfaces clean until they shine.
Those infected badly battling for life;
The healthcare officials working with strife;
Rarest of the event clueless why it happened;
Left multiple injuries in people to be saddened;
Human is considered strongest on earth when compared to other living creatures;
But this microscopic organism left the human with horror in the literatures.
Now the ball is in our court, to hunt for the cure;
Time for us to give up on our pleasures, retreat and restore.
Lesson learnt, nature is never to be mishandled, now arise and awake;
Stay at home, take measures to fight this furious outbreak.


By Adriel Quadros | Ward: Gollachil