Darjeeling, Here I come again next year by Reon Prinston Rodrigues Back

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Darjeeling, Here I come again next year

Planned out to a destination
In this summer vacation
To enjoy the natural beauty and chills
Of Darjeeling, the queen of hills.

Preparation went on well
As I was aiming to excel
Prepared with great concentration
For the  board examination

Then came an enemy from a far off nation
Triggering the entire generation
Kept people in isolation
lock down for prevention.

Clapped to the mighty brave heart
Burnt candles for virus to depart
Willingly many took part
Serving and donating with open heart.

Airlines opened a credit shell
So I had to bid farewell
We shall come over after a year
For neither will Corona last nor fear.


By Reon Prinston Rodrigues | Age: 16 | Ward: Chowki Ward