Homeopathy: A Unique System of Medicine by Dr. Alfreeda L Pinto Back

Dr. Alfreeda L Pinto

Kuntikan Ward

Homeopathic Practitioner

Well care Homeopathy

Kuntikan, Mangalore

Ph No: 9449300306

Homeopathy: A Unique System of Medicine 

World's second largest system of medicine, homeopathy is a gentle,  complete and specialised technique of treatment. It means healing diseases by the application of laws of similars. It is suitable for all individuals of all age groups - from infants to old, pregnant women to even sensitive people.
 The general concept of homeopathy towards treatment of the sick is, "Treat the patient, not just the disease." In this system the individual is considered as a whole and the physical as well as mental factors are taken into consideration for giving a suitable,   long-lasting and effective treatment.

Origin of Homeopathy:
Although this principle has been known for a very long time and is even mentioned in ancient vedic literature, it was brought into light only around 250 years ago by a German Physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He laid a scientific and philosophical foundation to the 'laws of similars'- let likes be cured by likes.  This means that the symptom picture of the healing agent (medicine) has to match the disease symptom picture of the patient.
  Sources and preparation of medicines:
Homeopathic medicines are derived from the natural world. Typically they are of plant, mineral, animal or of human origin. Examples of these are salt, club mass, venom of some snakes, cancerous tissue, disease producing organisms ( Certain bacteria, fungi) etc. They can also be derived from energy sources for example electro magnetic sources, X-rays etc. These sources are collected, if soluble in water and alcohol or if electromagnetic then allowed to pass through water where their influence is recorded by water. After collection by a specialised procedure known  as potentisation it undergoes serial successive dilution and agitation. By these means the material is reduced in quantity while at the same time due to the mechanical energy, the medicinal potency ( power) is increased.

How do Homeopathic medicines act?
Within the body, Homeopathic medicines act in a gentle manner and naturally strengthen the innate immunity of the individual and thereby literally establishes health. And this is done in a safe way without causing any damage  to the body. Hence, these medicines can be safely used during pregnancy,  lactation in infants, children, elderly and even sensitive individuals. 
 In Homeopathy a sick person is considered as a whole and his mental and physical reactions are also considered during the selection of a medicine and not just the disease symptoms or the diagnosis. Here the sick person is important not just the sickness. Hence, to give a suitable treatment to the individual, homeopaths seek to understand the person 'holistically'. It is essential to share all the necessary information regarding the mental status, physical make up, lifestyle, living conditions, habits, past history, family history and all the factors which influence a person without any hesitation. Depending on this data itself a homeopath will be able to select the best suitable medicine for the concerned individual, not just for the disease he is suffering from. This is called Constitutional treatment. This explains rationally why certain people fall sick in certain situations and certain people escape from disease inspite of reasonable exposure to similar situations. This also explains why the expressions of the same disease differ in different people (Individuality). Such expressions have been noticed during the recent Covid pandemic as well.
What does Homeopathy treat?
Most of the natural diseases can be readily treated by Homeopathic means. The acute diseases with a sudden onset, sudden progress require immediate attention and faster action. The common acute diseases presenting with symptoms of fever, cold, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, ear aches, childhood illness,  headaches, diarrhoea, vomiting, indigestion, acute infections etc can be managed with Homeopathic medicines. In such conditions the remedies given are intended to stimulate the body's internal ability to heal itself.
Similarly homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-lasting health problems.  It is seen that the so called Constitutional medicines not only cure the disease but also strengthen the body's immune system and thus prevent future occurence of the disease. The common chronic health problems for which homeopathy treatment is sought for are asthma, allergies, skin problems, eczyma, psoriasis, vitiligo, arthritis, constipation, piles, acid reflux, flatulence,  hair fall, nervous weakness, different chronic headaches, complaints related to menstruation, PCOD, fibroids, breast complaints, harmonal imbalances, thyroid problems, infertility and others. Also, lifestyle disorders like diabetes, hypertension,  obesity can be well controlled with Homeopathic medicines. Mental health issues such as mild to moderate depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety, fear, phobia, learning disabilities, developmental disorders, ADHD, autism have also found to be effectively managed with Homeopathy and with no adverse effects or dependence on medicines. 
 Although attempts are being made by the Big Pharma companies worldwide to give a lot of negative publicity to homeopathy, in the recent years it is seen that homeopathy is gaining popularity and there is a rapid increase in adoption of the system of medicine. Around 10% of India's population depends solely on homeopathy for their health care.
One should understand that homeopathy is a wise choice of treatment as-
 * It is safe.
* Homeopathic medicines are palatable and easy to administer.
* Homeopathic treatment is economical.
* Homeopathy cures completely. 
* Homeopathy improves the quality of life.
      As quoted by Mahatma Gandhi " Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond doubt safer, more economical and most complete medical science"
Undoubtedly Homeopathy is the future ray of hope in the field of medicine.