A Healthy Body in a Healthy Mind by Dr Alfreeda Lavina Pinto Back

A Healthy Body in a Healthy Mind

One may be astonished or may feel that I've made a mistake in the age old proverb 'A Healthy mind in a healthy body.' But the converse is also very true especially in the present day fast moving life. When one is at peace in mind and is able to balance or effectively overcome the ups and downs of life, then one can expect a balanced physical health too.

The WHO definition of health is 'A complete mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being and not just freedom from physical illness'. Mental health - psychological, emotional and social well-being impacts every area of life. Having positive mental health allows you to effectively deal with the daily stressors of life, communicate well with others, make healthy decisions and live life to its fullest.  But sometimes struggles with mental illness and addiction can make it seem like achieving a healthy mental state impossible.

One of the biggest predictor of longitivity is psychological resiliency,  being able to roll with the punches the life throws at you. In fact your attitude, social network, community and spiritual beliefs are more important than any cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and other factors determining long and healthy life Hans Selye (M.D) who coined the word 'stress' in relation to mind, says 'The modern physician should know much about emotions and thoughts as much as about disease symptoms and drugs.'  This approach would appear to hold more promise of cure than any medicine has given to date. The most powerful pharmacy in the world is right in between your ears!

Why is mental health important?
Mental health can help you to 

  1. Cope with the stresses of life
  2. Be physically healthy
  3. Have good relationships
  4. Make meaningful contributions to your community
  5. Work productively
  6. Release your full potential

Your mental health is also important because it can affect your physical health. Some of the physical problems which can be caused due to mental instability especially mental stress are

  1. Different types of headaches 
  2. Chest pain or weakness, palpitations  
  3. Digestive problems such as acidity, loss of appetite, indigestion etc
  4. Dryness of mouth 
  5. Extreme weakness
  6. High blood pressure, breathing difficulty 
  7. Neck stiffness, back pain 
  8. Sleep difficulties 
  9. Sexual disorders
  10. Profuse perspiration
  11. Obesity, weight loss etc.

In addition long term mental disturbances or stress can be causative factor in lifestyle disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high B.P), high cholesterol, Cardiac (heart) disease etc.

Poor emotional health can weaken immune system making us vulnerable to infectious diseases especially common cold, skin infection and others. During emotional disturbance you may not take care of your health. You may not feel like exercising, eat nutritious food at regular intervals nor take medicines, get into alcohol addiction or other drug addictions which also makes to vulnerable to ill-health.

Tips to achieve positive mental health or to effectively deal with stress.
''You don't have to control your thoughts, you just have to stop letting them control you'' - Dan Millman.
We have been taught various life-skills in schools, but we never learn the skills to calm ourselves. It is very essential to calm your mind and body in present day fast moving life.

  1. First of all identify the cause which leads to a mental disturbance orbthe stressful situation and learn to face it appropriately. 
  2. Learn how to actively relax-  involve in such kind of hobbies, crafts etc relaxation exercise, deep breathing exercise,  meditation,  prayer,  yoga,  Massage therapy etc help you to practice being calm.
  3. Take a break - from daily routine and involve in some recreation which helps to soothen your mind like watching a sunset, walking along the seashore, travel, pilgrimage etc.
  4. Physical exercise burns the stress and help to heal the mind.
  5. Clean up your duet- eat natural healthy fresh food, eat at regular intervals do not over-eat, sufficient water intake.
  6. Examine your beliefs, attitudes and responses to common situations.
  7. Consciously build your network of friends, family and community.
  8. Express your feeling in appropriate ways.
  9. Laugh and make others laugh.
  10. Get involved in social activities, join a club or a group.
  11. Volunteer into social service, help the needy.
  12. Quit alcohol, smoking and any addiction
  13. Read good literature 
  14. Take a relaxed  sleep. Sleep only as much required 
  15. Live a balanced life.

There is no single magic bullet- no specific medicine, food of therapy to solve chronic mental health issues. It requires a constant change in the way one thinks and behaves. It is estimated that by 2025 major depression will be the second leading cause of medical disability and in the present pandemic struck world, its expected even earlier.The only solution is to adapt a different kind of thinking thats a positive thinking.

What Homoeopathy can offer in mental ailments;
Homoeopathy system is based on a holistic approach to disease and cure. A Homoeopath is often said to be a half Counsellor. Since the treatment is based on the complete personality of the sick person rather than just the disease, there is very good scope for mental  scope for mental and emotional illness too. There can be a permanent and effective solution in a most gentle and safest way without any drug dependence or side- effects. May you all have a healthy, positive mental health.


Dr Alfreeda Lavina Pinto
BHMS, MS (Psychotherapy and Counselling )
Wellcare Homoeopathy, Kuntikan 
Mobile: +91 94493 00306