YSD-ICYM and Youth Commission Derebail Organize the Enactment of 'Moga Amrutha' by Team Maand Back

YSD-ICYM and Youth Commission Derebail Organize the Enactment of 'Moga Amrutha' by Team Maand

The Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD)-ICYM in collaboration with the Youth Commission Derebail organized the staging of a Konkani play 'Moga Amrutha' by Team Maand on 5th December,2021, at Derebail Church Hall at 6.15PM. A formal stage programme was conducted before the enactment of the play. The Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Austin Peres, Socius Priest Rev.Fr.Gerald Pinto, Vice President of PPP Mrs.Sheela D'Souza, Secretary of PPP Mr.Gaulbert Pais, YSD Animator Mrs.Lizzie Fernandes, Youth Commission Convenor Mr.Denzil Pinto and YSD Secretary Ms.Primal Furtado were the dignitaries on the dias. 

Mr.Denzil Pinto welcomed the gathering. Ms.Primal Furtado was then felicitated for representing Karnataka at All India Nationals Shooting Championship at New Delhi and for achieving the qualifying score for Team India Selection Trials (6th stage). Fr.Austin addressed the gathering and called upon the youth in particular to utilise their talents and skills to the best of their abilities. 

The play was then staged with Mr.Manish Pinto, YSD President as Zulfi and Ms.Savitha Saldanha as Amrutha. The play went on from 6.40 to 7.50PM. 

The play in its duration of 80 minutes depicted a love story set during the Partition phase of India. The entire play was mesmerizing and it was duly appreciated by the spectators with thunderous applause.

The spectators were then allowed to contribute voluntarily towards the expenses of Team Maand. 

Ms. Johanna Pereira compered.

Report by: Primal Furtado
Pictures: Simon Pereira

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