Welcome of the Synod Cross at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail Back

Welcome of the Synod Cross at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail

As the Provincial Youth Conference will be held in Mandya in the month of October, the Synod Cross of Karnataka Provincial Youth Conference was brought in devotion by the Parishioners and Youth of Holy Cross Church, Cordel to Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail on 27 September, 2022 at 4.15 pm. Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes and Rev. Fr.Jovin Vishwas Sequeira handed over the Synod Cross to the Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Joseph Martis. Rev.Fr.Gerald Pinto, Mrs.Sheela D'Souza Vice-President of Parish Pastoral Committee, Mr.Gaulbert Pais Secretary of Parish Pastoral Committee, Animators of YSD/ICYM and members of YCS, Senior and Junior CLC members along with many other parishioners were present on this auspicious occasion. A short prayer service was led by Rev.Fr.Joseph Martis. A special prayer was recited wherein the youth were called forward and asked to raise their right hand in promise to accept Jesus as their saviour in all situations in life.

The Holy Cross will be in our Church for Prayers and Veneration till 4 PM on 29 September 2022.  At 4.00, the Holy Cross will continue its onward journey towards Jeppu Church.

Pictures: Simon Pereira 

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