Pastoral Visit of Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha to Derebail Parish Back

Pastoral Visit of Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha to Derebail Parish

Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore, visited officially Derebail Parish (Pastoral Visit) on Saturday, 14th, and Sunday, 15th September, 2024. Bishop arrived at 3.30 in the afternoon and was extended a floral welcome along with the band from St. Ann's School at the parish entrance. Fr. Joseph Martis, the Parish Priest, garlanded the Bishop, followed by Fr. Kevin, Mrs. Sheela, the Vice President, Mr Denzil, the Secretary, and Mr Anil Patrao, the Coordinator of 21 Pastoral Commissions. A large crowd of parishioners were present to welcome the Bishop. The Bishop then proceeded to the church, and all people participated in the initial prayer service in the church. The Bishop then met all the Confirmation children along with their parents. He instructed them for about 45 minutes. The children were well prepared and answered well all the questions asked by the Bishop. Then the Bishop officiated the Confirmation Holy Mass. 61 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation. 58 from Derebail parish and three from the neighbouring parishes.

After the Mass, the Bishop visited the Cemetery and conducted the prayer service. People participated in the ceremony. All people were served with snacks and cold drinks. Then the Bishop held a meeting first with the parish Finance Council, followed by the Parish Pastoral Council. Reports of the parish finances and parish pastoral activities were placed before the Bishop. The Bishop commended the wonderful work done by the parish people and appreciated the council members for their leadership and service-minded qualities. He also applauded the parish priest and associate for the leadership and good example. The meeting ended with dinner.
The Bishop celebrated morning Mass on Sunday, 15th at 7.00 in the morning. A large crowd had gathered for the Mass. After the Mass all were served with breakfast. The Bishop then had a marathon session with 13 parish associations. Each of them presented their reports and answered a few questions posed by the bishop. The session was over around 11.30 in the morning. The Bishop then paid a visit to St. Ann`s Convent. At 2.30, the Bishop met the associated priest, Fr. Kevin, followed by a meeting with the parish priest, Fr. Joseph Martis. At 3.30, the Bishop visited three sick persons, two families from Kuntikan Ward, and Fr. Walter Pinto at his residence. At 4.45, the Bishop participated in the ward meeting at Akashbavan in the house of Mr Ivan D’Souza. He also visited one of the sick people in that Ward. The bishop moved out of the parish at 6:00 in the evening.

The Pastoral visit was a moment of spiritual blessing to our parish. Our Bishop prayed for the parish community. He also came to know the pastoral issues of the parish. He showed concern for the parishioners. He applauded the work of the parish priest, assistant priest, and all the lay leaders. He appreciated the Derebail parishioners for their generosity, goodness and participation in the parish life and activities, and all the leaders for their undaunted service to the parish. He invited all the parishioners to work in unity and continue the good work they had begun. The pastoral visit ushered in spiritual boons to our parish. May the Lord bless our Bishop and all his endeavors.

Pictures: Simon Pereira

Videography: Roshan Fernandes 


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