Parish News
YCS Inauguration 2016
A solemn formal inauguration of the YCS unit took place on 26th June 2016, during the Holy Eucharist mass at 9.15 am. The members of the unit walked solemnly into the church and the boys lighted the lamp and girls pierced the...
26th June 2016
Yuva Spandan Derebail oath taking and first liturgy of catechism year 2016-17.
The newly elected office bearers of Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD) a unit of Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Mangalore Diocese took their oath in front of the parish on 19th June 2016 at 9.15 AM mass. Rev Fr Gratian Alvares,...
19th June 2016
Inauguration of 2016-2017 Catechism year.
The Catechism year for 2016-2017 was inaugurated at the childrenos mass, i.e. 9.15 AM mass. Following are the pictures of the program/ Pictures: Sheldon Alvares
12th June 2016
Welcome Rev. Fr Gratian Alvares, the new residential priest.
A short welcome programme was held to welcome Fr Gratian Alvares, the new residential priest of Derebail. The program was held after the 7 AM mass. Pictures: Prajwal Sequeira.
12th June 2016
Accompanying Fr. Anil Lobo from Derebail Parish to Milagres Parish.
The parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer's Church, Derebail bid adeius to the Asst. Parish Priest who went as Asst. Parish Priest of Milagres Parish on 6th June, 2016. Rev. Fr Austin Peres conducted a small prayer service at the church....
6th June 2016
Farewell to Fr Anil Roshan Lobo, the Asst. Parish Priest.
Fr. Anil, the Assistant Parish Priest of Derebail Parish was given a sendoff by the parish on 6th of June, 2016. The farewell programme was held after the 7 AM mass. The new Parish Priest, Rev Fr Austin Peter Peres were also...
5th June 2016
Tribute to Fr. Vincent Menezes : Accompaniment of Parishioners to Paldane Parish
The ex- Parochial Administrator was accompanied by parishioners to Blessed Mother Teresa Church, Paldane on 3rd June, 2016. Over 200 Derebail parishioners were present. Also over 150 parishioners of Paldane were also present. Here...
3rd June 2016
Welcoming of the new Parish Priest, Rev. Fr Austin Peres.
Rev. Fr Austin Peres, the new Parish Priest landed at Derebail at 4 PM on 2nd June 2016. The parishioner were eagerly waiting for their new shepard of the parish. Around 500 people gathered from Derebail and Moodbidri parishes...
2nd June 2016
Farewell to Fr. Vincent Menezes, the Parochial Administrator
"Parting is a sweet sorrow; but all meetings do end in partings." After serving Most Holy Redeemer Church for a period of seven months, it was time for the parishioners to bid farewell to their Parochial...
29th May 2016
First Holy Communion 2016
The Holy Eucharist is the most important of the seven sacraments because, in this and in no other sacrament, we receive the very body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. Innumerable, precious graces come to us through...
1st May 2016