Parish News

Mercy Day by YCS

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'' With the fifth beatitude from Mathew's Gospel as its theme the YCS youth focuses on celebrating God's mercy in alignment with the holy year of mercy proclaimed by Pope...

11th October 2016

Nativity 2016

The Feast of Nativity of Our Lady was celebrated with great pomp in churches all over Mangalore. On this day i.e. the 8th of September,2016 the parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer Church assembled at the Holy Family...

8th September 2016

Nativity Sports Day by DPSC

Derebail Parish Sports Club (DPSC) on the occasion of Feast of Nativity organised Sports Day for the Derebail Parishioners. The event was held on 4th September, 2016 at Derebail church grounds. Games line Throwball, Dodge ball,...

4th September 2016

Youth Fiesta 2016

YOUTH FIESTA 2016 ' YOUTH ORIENTATION BY ICYM CITY DEANERY It was a festival of friendship indeed as the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) City deanery organized a one day youth orientation and get together programme...

7th August 2016

Vanamahotsava by YCS

Vanamahotsava is a festival of planting saplings to spread greenery around the earth. The government has started a state wide drive "KOTI VRUKSHA ANDOLAN". In support to the drive our Young Catholic Student (YCS) have joined...

7th August 2016

Sangatha 2016

The Sangatha - 2016 a one day youth orientation programme for the youth of the parish of Derebail, organized under the leadership of YuvaSpandanDerebail (YSD) along with the association of Young Catholic Students (YCS) and...

31st July 2016

Blood Donation Camp by DPSC.

Derebail Parish Sports Club in association with White Doves, Wenlock Hospital and Lions Club Ladyhill organised Blood Donation Camp at Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail on Sunday, July 3rd 2016. Report on it coming soon.

3rd July 2016

YCS Inauguration 2016

A solemn formal inauguration of the YCS unit took place on 26th June 2016, during the Holy Eucharist mass at 9.15 am. The members of the unit walked solemnly into the church and the boys lighted the lamp and girls pierced the...

26th June 2016

Yuva Spandan Derebail oath taking and first liturgy of catechism year 2016-17.

The newly elected office bearers of Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD) a unit of Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Mangalore Diocese took their oath in front of the parish on 19th June 2016 at 9.15 AM mass. Rev Fr Gratian Alvares,...

19th June 2016

Inauguration of 2016-2017 Catechism year.

The Catechism year for 2016-2017 was inaugurated at the childrenos mass, i.e. 9.15 AM mass. Following are the pictures of the program/ Pictures: Sheldon Alvares

12th June 2016