On-Going Formation for the Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers at Derebail Back

On-Going Formation for the Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers at Derebail

An on-going training programme for the Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic ministers was held at Derebail Church on Monday, 22 July 2024. The programme commenced with an initial prayer at 6.00 in the evening. Rev. Fr Joseph Martis, the Parish Priest welcomed the participants, very specially, Fr Vijay Machado, the diocesan Commission Secretary for the Liturgy. Fr Vijay in his talk, presented through PowerPoint delineated five key points: Historical development of the Eucharistic celebration in the Church and the origin of the mission of the Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic ministers. 2. The Theology of the Eucharist. 3) The Structure of the Eucharistic liturgy, 4. The Spirituality of the Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic ministers. 5) Practical guidelines for the Eucharistic ministers. 
Nine new members of the parish participated in the programme who would be inducted as the new Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic ministers. Namely: Mrs Julian Carlo; Mr Arun Sequeira; Mr Manoj Lobo; Mrs Helen Menezes; Mrs Loretta; Mrs Monthi Andrade; Mrs Laveena; Mrs Shaila Noronha and Mr Jeswin Castelino. After the talk, Fr Machado gave the participants opportunity to clarify doubts. The seminar was attended by 40 Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic ministers. Indeed it was a useful and enriching programme. The Eucharistic ministers were re-enthused in their ministry of serving the Lord and the Parish Community. Fr Joseph Martis, thanked Fr Vijay and all the participants. Fr Kevin assisted the programme and managed the logistics.  The Programme concluded at 7.45 p.m.

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Congratulations Dear Alister Jerome Pinto
Congratulations Dear Chelsia Castelino