Nativity Feast at Most Holy Redeemer Church, 2024 Back

Nativity Feast at Most Holy Redeemer Church, 2024

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated with fervour and devotion on September 8, 2024, at The Most Holy Redeemer Church in Derebail. On this day, the Catholic Community also celebrates the harvest of new corns, fruits and vegetables and expresses gratitude to the almighty. 

The ceremony began at 7:30 am from St. Ann’s School Grounds in Kuntikan, with the blessing of the statue of infant Mother Mary and the freshly harvested paddy by Rev.Fr. Ajith Menezes, Parish Priest Fr. Joseph Martis and Assistant Parish Priest Fr. Kevin D’Souza. A prayer service followed. Children offered flowers in honor of Mother Mary. The blessed paddy and the statue were then carried in a procession to the church by the Gurkars and priests.

Rev. Fr. Ajith Menezes, along with Fr. Joseph Martis and Fr. Kevin D’Souza, led the festive mass. In his homily, Fr. Ajith emphasized the significance of Mother Mary, stating that “She is neither to be adored, nor ignored. She is to be loved.”

Following the Holy Communion, the Ward Gurkars distributed sheaves of the newly harvested paddy to the parishioners. The Parish Priest expressed his gratitude to the PPC members and other associations for their contributions towards the smooth organization of the feast. He specially thanked Rev.Fr.Ajith Menezes for being the main celebrant and conveyed his best wishes on his role as the Administrator at Fr. Mullers Medical College.

The generous donors were honored with Murdom Candles, and the Children’s Choir enhanced the solemnity of the occasion. The mass concluded with the distribution of sugarcane to all parishioners, and prizes were awarded to the winners of various competitions.

The Nativity Feast was indeed a vibrant celebration, filled with the joyful laughter of children and heartfelt devotion to Mother Mary. As a cherished family festival, a sense of community and togetherness was also felt as everyone eagerly waited  to have festive meal with their loved ones after the ceremonies. The day truly reflected the spirit of unity, gratitude, and faith.

Report by: Preethan Pereira 
Pictures: Simon Pereira​

​​​​​​Videography: Roshan Fernandes


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