Inauguration of the 'Environment Awareness Month': An Initiative by Commission for Environment and Catholic Sabha Derebail Back

Inauguration of the 'Environment Awareness Month': An Initiative by Commission for Environment and Catholic Sabha Derebail

The Commission for Environment in association with Catholic Sabha, Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail inaugurated the ‘Environment  Awareness Month’  on Sunday 21st July 2024, at 8 AM, in the premises of the Church.  The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis extended a warm welcome to the Chief Guest Mr.Antony Mariappa, District Forest Officer and introduced him to the gathering. He also welcomed the parishioners who were present in large numbers.Rev Fr. Kevin Lawrence D’souza, Asst Parish Priest; Mrs Sheela D’souza, Vice President; Mr. Denzil Pinto, Secretary; Mr. Anil Patrao, Convenor of 21 Commissions; Mr. Arjun Mascarenhas, Representative of St Aloysius Institutions; Mrs. Vilma Monteiro, President, Catholic Sabha; Mr Patrick Alvares, Coordinator of Commission for Environment were the dignitaries present.

The Chief Guest in his speech underscored the need to plant trees in one's surroundings. He shed light on how vehicles and machines emit toxic gases that pollute the environment and cause respiratory diseases. Further, he also stressed on the role that plants and trees play in water retention. His speech redirected everyone to the inevitability of becoming aware and active environmentalists through planting and nurturing greenery around us.The Chief Guest invited the parishioners to join hands with the Government in planting more trees and reducing pollution.

As a concrete gesture of commitment to conserve nature, a special initiative ‘My Tree’ and 'Spot the tree' contests were launched. The dignitaries planted a sapling. Mrs Vilma Monteiro then gave details of the competitions to be held in the Parish.  She also informed that the contests are held in collaboration with St. Aloysius Institutions. Parishioners were requested to choose one among five fruit saplings available and plant it either in their premises or on the roadside. This plant needs to be tended to for the next five years. Meanwhile Mr.Arjun along with the members of the Commission for Environment will be visiting the spot within a month's time. 

Further, 'Spot the Tree' contest focuses on making the parishioners aware about the trees in their vicinity. As a collective ward activity, this competition involves spotting and listing out trees within the limits of one's ward. The highlight of this contest is that members are free to list out trees even in the premise of one's non-Catholic friends and public spaces.

Mr.Anil Patrao then introduced Mr.Arjun as the driving force behind the "My Tree" initiative. He informed the parishioners that Mr.Arjun in collaboration with the Commission for Environment will inspect the plants and yearly prizes will be announced based on the health and condition of the plant. A bumper prize would be awarded after five years. 

Mr.Gerald Concessao gave the Vote of thanks

The plants were then distributed to the parishioners.

The visionary outlook of these events truly resonates with the message that in nature the human clan unites and thrives.

Report by: Remy Alvares 
Pictures: Pressy Pereira 

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Congratulations Dear Alister Jerome Pinto
Congratulations Dear Chelsia Castelino