Annual Retreat 2018 Back
Annual Retreat
Lent is a time to grow closer to Jesus and to enhance it an Annual Retreat was held at Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail for 3 days from 12th to 14th March, 05.00 PM to 08.00 PM. The purpose of a spiritual retreat is to open door to a deeper intimate ad powerful relationship with Jesus. The preacher who conducted the retreat was Rev.Fr Rupesh Madtha who is the YCS Director of Mangalore Diocesan.
Each day of the retreat focussed on a particular theme which helped in boosting of inner spiritual energy to live a committed Christian life. The first day he spoke about TENSION and DIFFICULTIES why do we get tensed ,causes and solution to it. The second day was about SIN ,meaning of sin,causes,results and solution. He also spoke about God's Mercy.On the last day of the retreat the parishioners were given an insight on how one should be post confession.He also spoke on how prayer acts as a means to come closer to God.He accompanied his preaching with testimonies. Each day Eucharistic mass was celebrated which was concluded by Holy adoration.
The retreat ended with a word of gratitude by Rev Fr Gratian Alvares. He also thanked Simon the musician.Finally he thanked everyone for actively participating in the retreat.
Report by: Loretta Anthony
Pictures: Deon Cardoza
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