Christmas Carols at Parapade Hills ward, Derebail Back

Christmas Carols at Parapade Hills ward, Derebail

Singing of Carols during the season of Advent brings great joy and sets in the mood for Christmas. Symbolically it is also a way through which we prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus Christ on Christmas Day.  Parapade Hills Ward organized Carol Singing on 18th December, 2022. The ward members gathered at Mr. Ronald Furtado's house at 4.00 PM wearing beautiful dresses in red and white/ black combination. As it is rightly said  the true spirit of Christmas lies in our hearts, all the ward members were very  excited and happy to sing  the songs that they had  practiced.

The Carol Singing group comprised 15 members. To begin with, the members recited a short prayer at the residence of Mr.Furtado and then began their journey at 4.30 PM.

One could easily notice the excitement of Christmas in everyones eyes. They were eagerly waiting for the Santa Claus to show up.
Mrs. Pramila Furthado dressed up as  Santa Claus and paraded through the entire region cheering and singing  Christmas carols and was handing out chocolates to all 
There were a variety of songs in Konkani, English and Kannada which were sung at every house.

The members visited all the houses  in the ward from Parapade area moving towards Akash Bhavan. Families joined in our joy through singing and dancing, as well as appreciating  the organization of Carols. Many families offered the Caroling team refreshments with Kuswar (Christmas delicacies), cake and juice. 

By 6.45 PM the members had visited the entire ward area with the last house of  Mrs. Laveena Pereira. The members then assembled at Mr.Ronald Furtado's house. Tired yet excited happy faces were offered icecream, snacks, chocolates and juice at the end. The Caroling team departed to their respective houses at 7.00 PM.

Report by: Reema Pinto

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