Simple Pork Salad By Tina sweety Menezes Back

Simple Pork Salad

1/2 kg of pork
2 Onions
2-3 green chillies
2 tbsp Bafat powder, 
1tbsp chilly powder
Half a tsp turmeric powder
1tsp pepper powder
Coriander leaves
Little vinegar 


Marinate the pork with bafat powder, chilly powder,turmeric powder, pepper powder and salt as per taste and keep it for 40 minutes. Then chop onions, tomatoes and green chillies. (Keep tomato and green chillies separate  by adding lemon juice and vinegar for 10 min)...fry the marinated pork until it's cooked, then mix the onion in the remaining pork oil and saute it till light brown. Remove the onions in a bowl, add fried pork, tomatoes, green chillies and garnish with coriander leaves.

By Tina sweety Menezes | Kavoor Ward