Parish News
Retro Fire 2019 - A Retro themed Youth Event organized by YSD Derebail, attracts youth of Mangalore Diocese
On the 09th of November, 2019 (Saturday) Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD/ICYM Derebail Unit) organised Retro Fire 2019 for all the youth of Mangalore Diocese. The Church meeting hall was beautiful decorated to suit the Retro theme. Around 75 youth
9th November 2019
Annual Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail - 2019
Annual Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail - 2019. The Annual Feast of Most Holy Redeemer Church was celebrated on 3rd November 2019 at 9.00 am with devotion and exuberance. Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul Dsouza The Bishop emeritus of
3rd November 2019
Vespers (Besph) 2019
On the eve of the annual parish feast the Vespers (Besph) was celebrated with great devotion and zeal at Most Holy Redeemer Church on Saturday 2nd November 2019 at 6.00 P.M. Rev Fr. Austin Peter Peres parish priest celebrated the mass. In his Homily
2nd November 2019
All Saints Day - 2019
The Catholic Church has devoted two consecutive days in the liturgical calendar to commemorate the sacrifices done by the Saints as All Saints Day on the 01st of November and a day to reminisce our beloved departed souls as All Souls day on the 02nd
1st November 2019
Confraternity Sunday 2019
As a preparation for the annual parish feast, the parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail observed the Confraternity Sunday on the 27th of October, 2019. The Eucharistic Celebration commenced at 04:30 PM. Rev. Fr Joseph Martis celebrated
27th October 2019
Mission Sunday 2019 at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail
World Mission Sunday is observed on the 20th of October this year. On this day entire Church around the World come together to Pray, Contribute and Support the Mission of spreading the Word. Mission Sunday at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail was
20th October 2019
Synod Cross at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail
As the Provincial Youth Conference will be held in Bellary from October 24 to 27 and as Mangalore Diocese is celebrating Youth Year, the Synod Cross of Karnataka Provincial Youth Conference was brought in devotion by the Parishioners and Youth of
11th October 2019
Youth CLC organised Life Skills Training Programme
The Youth Christian Life Community of Derebail parish had organised a Life Skills training programme on the 7th and 8th of October 2019 for the children of the parish from classes 4 to 9. The event began at 09:30 AM with a formal Inauguration of
8th October 2019
Sports Day at Derebail on 29-09-2019
Sports Day at Derebail on 29.09.2019. Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R), Derebail Unit in Association with Derebail Church Sports Club (DPSC) conducted Sports Day at Derebail on 29th of September 2019 from 10.30am to 5.30pm. Fr. Austin Peter
29th September 2019