Parish News
Confraternity Sunday at Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail
The celebratory mass of Confraternity Sunday at Derebail Church began at 4.30 pm on 30th October, 2022. Rev Fr Anthony Serrao, the Secretary of the Catholic Board of Education was the main celebrant. Fr Joseph Martis, Parish Priest and Fr. Gerald
31st October 2022
Parishioners Greet Fr.Gerald on His Birthday
Rev.Fr.Gerald Pinto occupies a very special place in the hearts of all the parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail. His humility and amiable nature has made him popular among the young and the old.
30th October 2022
Mission Sunday
Mission Sunday is observed every year around this time to gather people together and remind each one the motive behind our mission as true Christians.
25th October 2022
Teenagers of Derebail Parish Participate in a Two Day Camp
The Commission for Vocations of Derebail Parish, in association with Missionary Families of Christ (MFC) Youth, successfully organised a two day camp for the parish teenagers studying from Grade VI to IX, on 7th and 8th October 2022.
10th October 2022
Welcome of the Synod Cross at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail
As the Provincial Youth Conference will be held in Mandya in the month of October, the Synod Cross of Karnataka Provincial Youth Conference was brought in devotion by the Parishioners and Youth of Holy Cross Church
29th September 2022
‘Prathibha Puraskar’ and Seminar on ‘Amazing Capabilities of Adolescents’ at Derebail Church
Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh ®, Derebail Unit, Mangalore in association with Education Commission and Family Commission organized a programme - ‘Prathibha Puraskar’ and a seminar on ‘Amazing Capabilities of Adolescents’ on Sunday 18 September,2022 at 10:15 am at Derebail Church Meeting Hall.
20th September 2022
Nativity Celebration at Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail, 2022
'Monthi Fest' or the Feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated at Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail on Thursday, 8 September, 2022.
10th September 2022
Special Lecture on 'Liturgical Singing: The Right Etiquette' at Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail
The Choir Group in association with The Liturgical Commission of Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail organized a lecture on Liturgical Singing: The Right Etiquette on Sunday, 4 September, 2022 from 4.30 to 6.30pm.
6th September 2022
Teachers Day Greetings and Message from Parish Priest
It is a joyful news that Derebail Parish is adorned with galaxy of teachers. It is praiseworthy that so many of our parishioners have dedicated their lives for this noble and magnanimous mission.
5th September 2022
Young Couples Conference
GOD'S KNOT a conference for Young Couples was jointly organised by the Derebail Parish Family Commission and Women's Commission in association with Family Life Centre, Mangalore Diocese on 31 August 2022.
2nd September 2022